Jonathon Kamholtz
” I thought it was very fine and even learned; you certainly know a great deal about glaciers and geology! I particularly liked three of the photos: Matanuska (2010); Kviarjokall (2022); Svinafellsjokull (2022). It’s not impossible that I’ve made some spelling errors there. Though I would say that global warming is considerably on my mind–and I have my own snapshots from the Mt. Hood area which also show how much of the old ice is melting–I am still a formalist at heart. I think what drew me to these three is partly the splendid mix of colors (the cool ice and the warm of the various grasses), and the power of the feel of walls of ice. Anyway, I just wanted to drop you a line to congratulate you on the showing of your work, and to add, no doubt to the words of praise of many others, how impressed I am with your skill, your eye, and your dedication to such an important issue. ”
Cathy Barny
” Tragically beautiful. “